Sorry for the silence

I’m conscious it’s been a while since I gave an update; however, as those of you who read my Facebook page will know, other events in life have taken over somewhat. As a result, book-related work has slowed down, although not ground to a halt completely. I have now had feedback from both my The Gisburn Witch beta readers, both of whom did a fantastic job of critiquing the novel and offering me several good suggestions to work with. I’m now working my way through their feedback, making what I hope to be the final improvements to the novel before publication, hopefully in the Spring.

Unfortunately due to other commitments, I have had to set A Girl Named Sellers to one side for a while. I realised a few weeks ago that I would only have time to work on one book at once, and it makes sense to get The Gisburn Witch finished before turning my attention back to its sequel. Not my original plan, but sometimes life presents other challenges and opportunities and you have to adapt accordingly. Once The Gisburn Witch is published I’m looking forward to getting working on the second book again, giving it the full attention that it deserves.

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