The Gisburn Witch – now available in paperback

The Gisburn Witch is now available in paperback! To get your copy, follow one of the links below:

Amazon UK


I’m also pleased to say that I’ve had a couple of very favourable reviews on Amazon UK, and that the novel is currently has a five star rating. I’m really delighted by some of the comments left by readers; to know that someone has enjoyed my book makes the eighteen months of hard work worthwhile. I’ll leave you with a few of the comments from reviewers, which I particularly enjoyed:

“What struck me about this novel is that I only really felt bad for one character and it wasn’t the one I expected from the outset”

” I will certainly be doing further reading on the Pendle Witches, if this was part of the authors intentions than she certainly succeeded”

“Fab read. I was willing things to end differently. Cannot wait for the next book in the series”

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