My Goals for 2016

A few days ago I made a reflective post about my writing experiences in 2015; what I had learned, what continued to challenge me, and what I could take forward into this new year. Following on from that, I have put together a list of goals for this year. I hope these will prove to be a set of tangible, realistic aims for the year ahead. So, here goes:

  1. Keep my blog up to date – I’ve been pretty poor at keeping on top of my blog in 2015. In 2016, I aim to make one post a week, whether it is writing/project related, a book review, or something as yet undefined but interesting! This year I want to be better at recording my writing journey, and keeping people in touch with what I am doing.
  2. Publish ‘A Woman Named Sellers’ in the summer – My first novel, ‘The Gisburn Witch’, was published in June 2015. I’d like to have its sequel published before the leaves start to fall (and preferably much sooner than that). I think this is a realistic aim, even taking into account editing and rewrites.
  3. Start work on a contemporary novel – After the publication of ‘A Woman Named Sellers’, I intend to throw myself into a slightly different project for the latter half of the year. A little while ago I had the seed of an idea for a contemporary novel, a seed which in the past few weeks has grown into a lovely wee tree in the form of a slender novel outline. My first work of contemporary fiction has the working title ‘Ethersay’ and will be my main focus for the end of 2016. I’m already excited about this project, which is something completely different for me but which allows me to explore some very modern, very relevant themes in a way which historical fiction cannot, by its very nature, permit. Right, enough said on that, or I will start typing spoilers! Moving on…
  4. Start researching my next historical novel – I have to admit, I’m utterly indulging myself with this last one. By the end of 2016, I will have two novels about the Lancashire Witches under my belt. My next historical project will be a change of direction, towards another great passion of mine – the great British/American revolutionary, citizen of the world and sworn enemy of Robespierre: Thomas Paine. In the latter half of 2016 I will be completing the preliminary research for my first novel of Paine’s life, concentrating on his early years through to the American Revolution and publication of his ‘Common Sense’. Cannot wait to get inside that man’s head in the fictional sense!

Phew! Looks like it’s going to be a busy year.

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