Category Archives: Fantasy

Love and loss when worlds collide

This morning I found out that another of my short stories has been published. It came as a bit of a surprise as in fact the story was published towards the end of July, but as I hadn’t received any correspondence about this, it had escaped my notice. It might never have come to my attention at all, but for a google search. Yes, I looked myself up, which is not as self-indulgent as it sounds; I learnt some time ago that when trying to tell the world about your books, it’s important to know what sorts of search results are yielded from your name and what order they fall in.

Anyway, a happy discovery made whilst refining my marketing strategy means an unexpected blog post to share with you all my short fantasy story, The Smailholm Faerie. Set near the beautiful and isolated Smailholm Tower in the Scottish borders, The Smailholm Faerie tells the story of an encounter between an inquisitive mythical creature and a grieving young man, and what happens when their worlds collide.

You can read the story on the Reader Writer Lounge’s website here. I very much hope that you enjoy it.